Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Advantages of Reciprocal Linking

If you’re a person who wants to make headway online in the search engines and in a particular niche, Reciprocal Linking can help you. While it may be more advantageous from strictly an SEO perspective to get one way links to your website, a lot can be said for 2-way linking in terms of collaboration.

Let’s look at some of the benefits:
People Will Find You

If you share links with a recognised site in your niche market, you have audience with their followers. They have audience with yours too but depending on the type of products you sell, this can really work in your favour.

New marketers who get attention in established sites could shorten the route to success and profitability. For example, if you’re selling complimentary products to the ones sold on the site that is linking with you, it might be a natural progression for people to find you and buy from you.
Linking Creates Trust

Reciprocal LinkingIf the person linking to you is trusted, you’ll automatically gain a degree of trust. This is important in the online world, especially when products and / or services are being sold. This is important for you to realise as well because when you choose to share links with someone you are, in effect, giving them a recommendation by default. Because of this, it’s important to carefully consider who you plan to do your Reciprocal Linking with.

Not only can you be sending potential and existing clients to someone but you’re also telling the search engines that you are linked with that site and SEO can be partially based on authority so if that site you link to gets devalued for any reason it could hurt your site’s authority as well.
Search Engines Do Follow

Reciprocal Linking with another site that is related to your niche market tells search engines you are more relevant to your niche. Just as using many related keywords and phrases in your text helps you, linking to sites about your topic also makes sense to search engines.

When the search engine robots crawl through website pages looking to categorise them, they look at who links to the site as well as who the site links to and takes that into account.
Web 2.0 Is All About Collaboration

Today’s internet is about collaboration and linking to others can result in their linking to you. Because collaboration is so worthwhile when you sell products online it pays to network with others in your niche. Following them can help you learn about news before it hits the streets and can help you get recommended to people who may want your services.

Social networking is what makes the web such a valuable place in terms of money making potential and a bit of quid pro quo with the right people online can definitely benefit your internet marketing efforts.

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Have a most outstanding day.

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